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  Java’s toLowerCase() has got a surprise for you!

Have you ever encountered a surprise while using toLowerCase()? This is a widely used method when it comes to strings and case conversion. There is a nice little thing you should be aware of. toLowerCase() respects internationalization (i18n). It performs the case conversion with respect to your Locale. When you call toLowerCase(), internally toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) is getting called. It is locale sensitive and you should not write a logic around it interpreting loca...

   Java,toLowerCaser(),Locale specific,Stra     2011-09-29 11:21:07

  Generate certificate with cRLDistributionPoints extension using OpenSSL

In an X509 certificate, the cRLDistributionPoints extension provides a mechanism for the certificate validator to retrieve a CRL(Certificate Revocation List) which can be used to verify whether the given certificate is revoked.   A cRLDistributionPoints extension can contain one or more DistributionPoints where the CRL can be retrieved from. Each DistributionPoint consists of three fields,each of which is optional: distributionPoint : it contains either a SEQUENCE of general...


  About browser event

First look at following codes: var $ = KISSY.all; $(‘a’).on(‘click’,function(e){ doSomeThing();//This function seems very famous e.halt(); }); The above codes seem complete the work we want them. The browser will not redirect us to the link in href, but is there some issue with the codes above? Before explaining what's wrong with the above codes, we first need to understand some concepts. Browser default behavior When we click a link, the browser will redirect us to anoth...

   JavaScript event,Event bubbling,event capturing     2012-11-15 11:15:41

  10 Tips To Make Your C Program Effective

The beauty of any code lies not only in finding the solution to a given problem but is in its simplicity, effectiveness, compactness and efficiency( memory ). Designing the code is harder than actually implementing it. Hence every programmer should keep a couple of basic things in mind while programming in C. Here we introduce you to such 10 ways of standardizing your C code. 1. Avoid unwarranted function calls Consider the following two functions: view source print? 1 void str_print( c...

   C,Tips,Efficient,Speed increment,Recursi     2011-08-05 01:34:16

  About C++ comma operator precedence

When learning programming language, we will always have one topic about the operator precedence. Since there are many operators can be used in one expression, there should be some rules regarding which operation can happen first so that the compiler or interpreter can handle them correctly. One rule of programming with expression is using as much as brackets as you can to avoid unexpected results. Here we refer one problem we see online about the comma operator in C++. The following program has ...

   comma,precedence     2012-11-12 10:25:00

  Different types of keystore in Java -- DKS

Domain KeyStore(DKS) is a keystore of keystore. It abstracts a collection of keystores that are presented as a single logical keystore. Itself is actually not a keystore. This new keystore type is introduced in Java 8. There is a new class DomainLoadStoreParameter which closely relates to DKS. To load different keystores into the single logical keystore, some configuration is needed. Here is the format of the configuration for grouping different keystores. domain [ ...] { keystore [ ....

   Java,keystore,DKS,tutorial     2015-01-20 02:27:27

  Writing Java codes conforming to coding standard

Recently, I was doing some cleanup to one of my current Java project. I find there are many codes which are not conforming to the Java coding standard. So I list them here and hope that people can improve your codes and write maintainable codes. Format source code and manage imports in Eclipse Eclipse provides functions of auto-formatting and imports management, you can use following shortcuts to use these functions. Ctrl+Shift+F --> Format source code Ctrl+Shift+O -- Manage imports an...

   Java, Code standard,Style     2012-09-18 12:50:28

  Introducing JavaScript native file management

TL;DR The Mozilla Platform keeps improving: JavaScript native file management is an undergoing work to provide a high-performance JavaScript-friendly API to manipulate the file system. The Mozilla Platform, JavaScript and Files The Mozilla Platform is the application development framework behind Firefox, Thunderbird, Instantbird, Camino, Songbird and a number of other applications. While the performance-critical components of the Mozilla Platform are developed in C/C++, an increasing number o...

   JavaScript,File,Local file,Firfox,Mozilla     2011-12-06 09:05:48

  How to choose a jQuery plug-in?

jQuery plug-in provides a good way to save time and simplify the development, programmers don't need to write each component from scratch. However, the plug-in will also be a destabilizing factor in your code library. A plug-in saves countless development time, but a poor quality plug-in will cost more than the actual time to write your own component from scratch. Luckily, usually you have many pls to choose from, but even if you have only one plug-in, you also need to know whether it's worth us...

   jQuery, plug-in     2012-10-27 03:51:40

  One thought about JavaScript exception handle

Due to network, browser and cache issues, the JS executed in production may produce different results from the testing environments. Sometimes they may produce exceptions. Front-end developers may encounter this kind of exceptions frequently. But how to log and use them is seldomly considered by them. Actually, exception handling includes two steps : log and use. 1. Log Regarding to log error, this is relatively convenient, since in each browser, there is one interface called window.onerror. win...

   JaavScript,Log,Exception,Email     2013-03-18 12:50:21